In realms where unity and purpose meet,

Collaboration's sway, a rhythm sweet.

Striving together, hearts and hands entwined,

Humanity's journey, purpose defined.

A concerto of care, a shared delight,

Welfarism's merit, a radiant light.

Striving not for self, but for the other,

Lifting those wronged, like a caring brother.

For wherein peace is felt, strength takes flight,

A force that conquers the darkest night.

Let's join hands, hearts aligned in grace,

Bettering lives, our collective pace

To illuminate paths where shadows fall,

Collaborate, strive, humanity calls. ✨๐Ÿค

#UnityInAction #CollaborateForChange #WelfarismHarmony #BetteringHumanity #SonnetsOfUnity

©Bolaji, M. A. (Adigson)

December, 2023



The title, "A CALL TO RUMINATE TO ILLUMINATE," effectively captures the essence of introspection leading to enlightenment, setting the stage for a thoughtful and purposeful exploration.


The poem is structured as a sonnet, adhering to a traditional 14-line form with rhyming couplets. This structure enhances the lyrical flow and contributes to the overall cohesion of the piece.


The poet employs rich and evocative language. Phrases like "Collaboration's sway," "Welfarism's merit," and "hearts aligned in grace" convey a sense of depth and significance. The choice of words is both precise and resonant, adding to the poem's artistic quality.


The tone is inspirational and aspirational, urging readers to reflect, collaborate, and strive for positive change. It combines a sense of urgency with a call for collective action, creating a motivational atmosphere.


The mood is uplifting and optimistic, characterized by the themes of unity, collaboration, and the pursuit of collective well-being. The poet succeeds in creating a positive and hopeful atmosphere throughout the poem.


The dominant themes revolve around unity, collaboration, welfarism, and betterment of humanity. The poem encourages introspection and emphasizes the transformative power of working together for the greater good.

Literary Devices:

The poet employs several effective literary devices in these lines to convey a profound message. 

  1. Imagery: The use of phrases like "peace is felt" and "conquers the darkest night" paints vivid mental images, evoking a sense of tranquility and triumph over adversity. Also, vivid imagery is present, especially in phrases like "strength takes flight" and "illuminate paths where shadows fall," contributing to a visually evocative experience.

2. Metaphor: The comparison of peace to a force that "takes flight" and "conquers the darkest night" employs metaphorical language, providing a deeper understanding of the transformative power of peace. The use of metaphors, such as "Collaboration's sway" and "Welfarism's merit, a radiant light," adds depth and symbolic meaning to the themes explored.

3. Alliteration: The repetition of the "h" sound in "hands," "hearts," and "aligned" creates a rhythmic and harmonious quality, emphasizing the unity and alignment of purpose. In the same way, the repetition of consonant sounds, as seen in "Collaboration's sway" and "hearts aligned in grace," enhances the poem's musicality.

4. Rhyme: The rhyme scheme in the couplet "grace" and "pace" adds a musical quality, enhancing the flow of the lines and contributing to the overall poetic structure.

5. Parallelism: The structure of the lines, particularly the repetition of the imperative form ("Let's join," "Bettering lives"), adds a balanced and symmetrical pattern, reinforcing the collaborative call to action.

6. Personification: 'Unity' and 'purpose' are personified in the first line of the poem..."In realms where unity and purpose meet", as animate objects that have the ability to converge for meetings. 

7. Simile: There is a use of an indirect comparison in the line 4 of the poem's second stanza - "Lifting those wronged, like a caring brother." Here the act of "lifting those wronged" is compared indirectly to that being carried out by "a caring brother." 

8. Symbolism: The use of 'hands,' 'hearts,' 'paths' and 'shadows' are indicative of higher meanings than their ordinary representations. The 'hands' may actually speak of actual actions that align with what are intended in the 'hearts' of men who are human enough to collaborate and render help to those deserved of such among the falling 'shadows' (the less-priviledged, the downtrodden) met along their different works of life ('paths').

9. Repetition: Some words such as hearts, hands, striving, humanity and purpose are repeated to create a striking emphasis about the need to collaborate so as to come up with collectively reasoned out and action-driven solutions to better the lots of the downtrodden in our society.

10. Euphemism: To pleas

antly present the noble but herculean tasks involved in turning the tides of hardship for the less-priviledged in our society, words such as 'Lifting,' 'Bettering,' 'illuminate,' and 'Collaborate' are skillfully used. In the way, the downtrodden are subtly referred to as 'the others,' 'the darkest night,' and 'shadows.'


Overall Assessment:

The poem is artistically presented, employing a well-structured sonnet form and a skillful use of literary devices to convey its themes. The language is both eloquent and impactful, successfully evoking a sense of collective purpose and the potential for positive change.


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